First leg

In belgium now… our journey so far have been quite safe but fun. First stopover was a service outside Malmoe .. quite late and just resting the dog and jumped in bed. Next day filling LPG in Malmoe and heading for the bridge.

Leaving Sweden  bridge to Denmark

The weather still quite calm but warnings that the snow and wind will hit us during the afternoon.  Passing denmark with slightly increasing winds and the motorhome did some worrying moves when the gusts hit it. The stora baelt bridge was passed during the evening and luckily not even visible in the darkness .. Pam are not a bridge fan .. 

 Bridge with the crosswinds ahead
Bridge with the crosswinds ahead

Early next morning we found the quite short but well arched bridge close to Germany border, at this time we turned 90 degrees from the westbound heading and where doing the southbound down towards Hamburg. The feeling at 2 am going over that bridge under alert signals in 10 mph with 70 knot wind hitting us from the side was scary. Having about half a turn on the steering wheel just to keep it straight .. leaning 10 to 20 degrees. I was quite suprised that the bridge wasnt closed but then again .. it must be one of the most important roads into germany. During the morning hours we stopped at a service in Germany and just fell asleep touching the pillow. After brunch we started the mind numbing  trip in the straight roads through germany , holland and belgium snowing on and off . We had a fun moment in Holland though , stopped for a short sleep at a service.. but couldnt find a parking so we just stopped in a bus stop. Wakening up after 3 hours or so by a bunch of people evacuating a bus behind us. Started to drive in my underwear .. Pam still laughing reading this 🙂